Disciplinary courses 2024-25

Algorithmic Non-cooperative Game Theory
Speaker: Mauro Passacantando
January 2025

The Transformer architecture: variants and applications
Speaker: Alessandro Raganato
February 2025

Introduction to Knowledge Graphs
Speakers: Marco Cremaschi, Blerina Spahiu, Anisa Rula
September 2025

Causal Networks: Learning and Inference
Speakers: Fabio Stella, Luca Bernardinello
June 2025

Uncertainty in knowledge representation and machine learning
Speakers: Davide Ciucci, Andrea Campagner
February-March 2025

Graph theory and algorithms:
Speakers: Gianluca Della Vedova, Marco Viviani
April-May 2025

Note: you have to enrol to disciplinary course at least a week before the course starts

Interdisciplinary courses

Steps to enrol for an Interdisciplinary Course:

  1. Go to Esse3 (https://s3w.si.unimib.it/)
  2. Click on the burger menu at the right top corner
  3. Select “Segreteria”
  4. Select “Corsi Elettivi”
  5. Select the course you wish to enrol
  6. Select “Iscrizione corsi elettivi”
  7. Select “Iscrivi”

Note: the enrolment period of each interdisciplinary course is different. Access the list of interdisciplinary course to be informed about the enrolment period.