Disciplinary courses 2025-26

Empowering AI through Enriched Data: Combining Knowledge Graphs and Machine Learning
Speakers: Matteo Palmonari

Geometry Processing and Machine Learning for Geometric Data
Speakers: Simone Melzi

Neural Symbolic Computation
Speakers: Guido Fiorino, Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen, Italo Zoppis

Signal, audio, and image processing and understanding
Speakers: Simone Bianco, Raimondo Schettini, Paolo Napoletano

String algorithms
Speakers: Gianluca Della Vedova, Raffaella Rizzi

Interdisciplinary courses

Steps to enrol for an Interdisciplinary Course:

  1. Go to Esse3 (https://s3w.si.unimib.it/)
  2. Click on the burger menu at the right top corner
  3. Select “Segreteria”
  4. Select “Corsi Elettivi”
  5. Select the course you wish to enrol
  6. Select “Iscrizione corsi elettivi”
  7. Select “Iscrivi”

Note that the enrolment period of each course is different. Access the list of interdisciplinary course to be informed about the enrolment period.