Empowering AI through Enriched Data: Combining Knowledge Graphs and Machine Learning
Speakers: Matteo Palmonari
Geometry Processing and Machine Learning for Geometric Data
Speakers: Simone Melzi
Neural Symbolic Computation
Speakers: Guido Fiorino, Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen, Italo Zoppis
Signal, audio, and image processing and understanding
Speakers: Simone Bianco, Raimondo Schettini, Paolo Napoletano
String algorithms
Speakers: Gianluca Della Vedova, Raffaella Rizzi
Interdisciplinary courses
Steps to enrol for an Interdisciplinary Course:
- Go to Esse3 (https://s3w.si.unimib.it/)
- Click on the burger menu at the right top corner
- Select “Segreteria”
- Select “Corsi Elettivi”
- Select the course you wish to enrol
- Select “Iscrizione corsi elettivi”
- Select “Iscrivi”
Note that the enrolment period of each course is different. Access the list of interdisciplinary course to be informed about the enrolment period.