Ph.D. Colloquia

The Practice

Ph.D. colloquia represent a forum where ph.d. board members and ph.d. students can interact informally about topics relevant to the ph.d. students. The meetings are not meant to provide a complete and detailed presentation of any topic, but rather are meant to share some experiences and good practices, and trigger discussion. Some of the topics typically discussed in these contexts are ‘Conference structure and organization’, ‘the journal review process’, “the national abilitation system’, ‘opportunities after the ph.d.’ etc. Students can contribute to proposing topics by interacting with their representatives who have direct access to a list of relevant topics shared with the director of the ph.d. program.

These meetings typically consist of an initial introduction of about 10 minutes by a ph.d. board member, followed by informal discussion. The length of the meeting depends on the discussion, there is no fixed duration.

Participation: all the students are always invited to attend the ph.d. colloquia. Depending on the topic, a meeting may have a target audience (e.g., first year students). The students in the target audience must attend the meeting, unless they have a clear justification to miss it (students in the target audience who cannot attend the meeting have to contact the director of the ph.d. program in advance).

Calendar of the meeting

28 March, 2023 15:00 (Sala seminari, U14 building). Conference structure and organization (target audience: 1st year students), prof. Leonardo Mariani

26 April, 2023 15:00 (Sala seminari, U14 building). ASN (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) — National Scientific Qualification (target audience: 3rd year students), prof. Simone Melzi