
PhD defense schedule

All defenses take place in Sala Seminari. Building U14. February 19th 2024. 9:30 (Sala Seminari and via videoconference)STUDENTSBarbato MirkoErba IlariaMatamoros Aragon AnibalOrlov IvanCOMMITTEEprof. Rafael Penalozaprof. Mauro Castelliprof.ssa Elena Casiraghi February 20th, 2024. 14:00 (Sala Seminari and via videoconference)STUDENTSCastelnovo AlessandroGreco GretaGigli

Convolutional Neural Networks for Quantitative Prediction of Different Organic Materials Using Near-Infrared Spectrum

Monday February 1st, 2021 – 14:30 Dagmawi Delelegn Tegegn Abstract: Advances in Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technology led to an increase of interest in its applications in various industries due to its powerful non-destructive quantization tool. In this work, we